lunes, 6 de mayo de 2024

 Link - Blog Unit 3

lunes, 18 de marzo de 2024

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Project progress

report of the information gathered
during the research.

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Estados Unidos


Link - Video

Unit - 1 - 2

Unit - 1

 Small Talk:

Small talk refers to informal and light interactions on topics that are not particularly important or profound. It's a way to break the ice, establish a connection, and maintain social relationships.

Study Tips:

Quick tips to enhance your small talk skills:

  1. Practice regularly with friends.
  2. Listen to English podcasts.

Practical Activity:

Let's practice with a short activity:

  • Choose a topic, like weekend plans.
  • Initiate the conversation with a tag question, for example: "Nice day, isn't it?"
  • Continue the conversation with a follow-up question, such as: "Do you have any exciting plans for the weekend?"

Example Dialogue: A: "Nice day, isn't it?" B: "Yes, it's beautiful! Any exciting plans for the weekend?" A: "Just relaxing. How about you?"

Etiquettes and Manners:

Etiquettes and manners refer to social norms governing behavior in various contexts. They include practices like greetings and courteous gestures, vital for positive interactions.

Example Dialogue:

A: "Good evening, nice to meet you." B: "Likewise. May I take your coat?" A: "Yes, thank you. The venue is lovely." B: "I'm glad you think so. Follow me to the dining area."

key Words


By the way 

Proper address 

Do you mind?



Tag Questions:

Tag questions are short phrases added at the end of a sentence to turn a statement into a question. They're commonly used in English for confirmation or to invite agreement, aren't they?

Study Tips:

Quick tips for mastering tag questions:

  1. Practice regularly with friends, shouldn't you?
  2. Listen to English speakers using tag questions in conversations, right?
  1. Example Dialogue: A: "You're excited for the weekend, aren't you?" B: "Yes, I can't wait! I'm planning to go hiking. How about you?" A: "Sounds like fun! I'm thinking of trying out a new recipe. Do you have any suggestions?"
  2. Notes.

    if the statements are in affirmative, the tag questions should be negative.

    I’m Aren’t I I’m not Am I

Past Perfect Statements:

The past perfect tense is used to indicate actions or events that occurred before another action or event in the past. It's formed by using "had" followed by the past participle of the verb. Past perfect statements help clarify the sequence of events in narratives, don't they?

Example Dialogue:

A: "I had never seen such a beautiful sunset before I visited Hawaii." B: "Wow, that sounds amazing! What had you been doing before you saw the sunset?" A: "I had been exploring the island and taking pictures."

general vocabulary of the unit

  • pretty
  • Etiquette
  • Incredibly
  • Table manners
  • Greetings
  • Proper greetings 
  •  Unbealivably 

Unit - 2


May" and "migh

"May" and "might" are modal verbs used to express possibility or probability in English. Although they serve a similar purpose, there are some key differences in their usage.

  1. "May":

    • It is used to express a stronger possibility or higher probability in the present or future.
    • It can also be used to make polite requests or permissions.
    • Example 1: "It may rain later, so don't forget your umbrella."
    • Example 2: "May I borrow your pen, please?"
  2. "Might":

    • It is used to express a weaker possibility or lower probability, especially in future situations.
    • It can also be used to make suggestions or express hypothetical situations.
    • Example 1: "I might go to the party tonight if I finish my work on time."
    • Example 2: "If you study hard, you might pass the exam."

Medical procedures

Medical procedures are actions or interventions carried out by healthcare professionals to diagnose, treat, or prevent diseases, injuries, or medical conditions.

Por supuesto, aquí tienes una versión más breve:

  1. Examination:

    • It's a vital step in assessing a patient's health, where healthcare providers check vital signs and physical condition.
    • Example: A doctor listens to a patient's heart and lungs to detect any issues.

  2. Injection:

    • It involves administering medication using a syringe and needle.
    • Example: Insulin injections for diabetes management.
  3. Electrocardiogram (EkG):

    • A test that records the heart's electrical activity, helping diagnose heart conditions.
    • Example: Detecting irregular heart rhythms during chest pain evaluation.
  4. X-ray:

    • Imaging test using electromagnetic radiation to diagnose bone fractures and internal issues.
    • Example: Checking for broken bones after an injury.

  5. Blog test"
  6. is a medical procedure to analyze tissue or fluid samples for diagnosis. For example, blood tests check for diseases, while biopsies diagnose conditions like cancer.


BLOG - UNIT 5 de Niny Montes